NCSM Affiliates

Delaware Mathematics Coalition (DMC)

The Delaware Mathematics Coalition (DMC) is a robust and connected mathematics leadership community involving K-12, higher education, business, and Department of Education partners in the state. As an alliance of stakeholders, the DMC has a history of successfully building mathematics leadership capacity in the state. The organization extends and enhances its capacity for change through K-20 partnerships, statewide professional learning opportunities, participation in national conferences (e.g., NCSM), and the work of its affiliate, the Delaware Council of Mathematics Leaders (DCML).

Delaware Council of Mathematics Leaders (DCML) Mission
The DCML (Delaware Council of Mathematics Leaders) is the NCSM affiliate of the Delaware Mathematics Coalition (DMC). DCML is a professional organization of leaders in mathematics education dedicated to providing opportunities to communicate and collaborate through the interchange of ideas in order to motivate a lifelong commitment to learning and leadership.

Affiliate Vision:
The Delaware Council of Mathematics Leaders envisions a professional learning community that empowers educational leaders (teachers, coaches, resource personnel, district leaders, higher education, administrators, etc.) to provide equitable access and opportunity to a high quality mathematics education for all students.


DMC accepting charter

Accepting Charter at NCSM Annual Conference 2017, San Antonio