Strategic Initiatives

NCSM initiatives are key to the organization meeting the needs of leaders in mathematics education right now. Initiatives and the teams working on them are not permanent but based in current context. This work focuses on what leaders are encountering in real time and what supports they require from NCSM, allowing us to be responsive and agile enough to address pressing issues while the supports are germane.

Each initiative is designed to bring our mission and vision to life. This work is aligned with the current organizational goal of growing the membership by at least 10% by October 2025, with an explicit intention to build inclusivity and belonging and ensure organizational membership and leadership that reflects student populations nationwide. The initiative teams’ focused efforts ensure that NCSM provides quality resources and services that are relevant and responsive to diverse leaders in mathematics education.


  • Creating Connections
  • Professional Learning and Resource Development
  • Continuous Improvement

Please see the tabs on this page for descriptions of the current initiatives.

Initiative 1: Creating Connections

NCSM wants to get better at what we do, which is equip and empower a diverse education community to engage in leadership that supports, sustains, and inspires high quality mathematics teaching and learning every day for each and every learner.

We create spaces to support educators who support mathematics instruction. We work to create an inclusive environment that listens to and provides relevant supports for members and affiliates. We hope to broaden NCSM’s reach and add more voices and perspectives as we grow our network of bold leaders. We hope to serve existing leaders and to identify and support emergent leaders in mathematics education as well.

Through this initiative, we hope to connect in more meaningful ways with our affiliate organizations, other mathematics education organizations with aligned missions, as well as their memberships. We also hope to create connections with organizations of educational leaders who may not be focused solely on mathematics but have influence and impact on mathematics programs, such as school leader associations and school board associations. We posit that thoughtfully and intentionally building relationships with a broader group of leaders builds our potential for positive impact for more students and educators.

Initiative 2: Professional Learning and Resource Development

The Professional Learning and Resource Development Initiative Team at NCSM is dedicated to advancing the organization’s mission by creating, updating, and expanding access to relevant and useful resources, and engaging members in meaningful professional learning.

NCSM provides high-quality, equity-focused professional learning to build capacity and empower mathematics leaders. The Professional Learning Initiative includes specific goals and actions designed to provide accessible, focused professional learning experiences to support the needs of current and emerging mathematics leaders.

This initiative’s work includes establishing an LMS that supports both synchronous and asynchronous virtual learning opportunities for varied leadership roles and responsibilities. We will also expand the NCSM Fellowship cohort for new and emerging leaders, piloted in 2023-2024. Learning opportunities and guidance will include on the selection, adoption, and implementation of high quality instructional materials, the use of technology including artificial intelligence, and deeper professional learning extensions of NCSM’s Essential Actions book series and website resources. We will provide multiple forums for member networking among members in like professional roles.

The priority topics for development, facilitation, and networking will change based on member feedback, so let us know if there’s something you are interested in learning more about!

Initiative 3: Continuous Improvement

 NCSM strives to be an organization where each and every mathematics leader belongs, and to provide effective and relevant support for educators in a variety of leadership roles and with diverse background experiences. In support of that ambition, the organization must be continuously examining our focus, activities, and impact so that we can make informed decisions about priorities and ensure we are providing meaningful services, products, and experiences for BOLD leaders.

The Continuous Improvement Initiative will develop and facilitate improvement and refinement processes to ensure that NCSM resources and services are relevant and responsive to diverse leaders. These processes will become a part of our regular routines and increase the likelihood that we are able to meet the needs of and group a diverse membership.