Election Candidates 2024
The open positions for the 2024 NCSM Election were: President-Elect, 2nd Vice President, and Regional Directors for Western 1, Southern 1, and Canada.
The results are in!
- President-Elect
- Second Vice President
- Regional Director, Western 1
- Regional Director, Southern 1
- Regional Director, Canada
Summary of Duties (as President Elect):
- Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee for the conference held during the years in office as President.
- Serve as a member of the Program Committee for the annual meeting.
- Serve in lieu of the President when appropriate.
- Prior to taking office as President, prepare a list of nominees for appointments. This list is to be presented to the Board for approval at the Board meeting immediately preceding the annual meeting.
- Assume such duties as the President and/or Board may determine.
Summary of Duties (as President):
- Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee for the conference held during the years in office as President.
- Serve as executive officer of the Council and Board, using his/her centralizing leadership and direction to unify and focus on the continuation and furtherance of the purposes of the Council. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
- Organize and publish an agenda for Board meetings concerning topics of vital concern to the Council and provide adequate time for discussion and committee work within the stated length of time for which the Board was convened.
- Preside at all Board meetings and at the annual business meetings of the Council.
- Appoint Committee chairpersons as provided by the articles and Bylaws. Each chairperson is to receive a written description of the committee work within one month of appointment.
- Forward to the NCTM representative copies of any correspondence resulting from the NCTM-NCSM relationship.
- Work with the contractor providing membership and registration services to facilitate delivery of these services.
- Prepare an annual report for the membership of the Council, which is to appear in the post-annual-meeting issue of the official NCSM publication.
- Make provisions for the study of future needs and direction of the Council.
- Exercise leadership in assisting the Board to develop the on-going activities of the Council.
- Perform such other duties as shall be assigned by the Board.
Summary of Duties (as Past President):
- Assist the President relative to the transfer of office.
- Serve in an advisory capacity in order to enable the officers to carry out the purposes of the Council and to better serve the membership.
- Act as a major advisor to the President.
- Serve as member of the Program Committee for the annual meeting.
- Serve in lieu of the President when necessary.
- Assist the Secretary in compiling the records of the previous two years.
- Assume such duties as the President and/or the Board may determine.
Term of Office: One year as President Elect, two years as President, and one year as Past President
Brian Buckhalter Mathematics Consultant and CoachBuck Wild About Math, LLC and Solution Tree Current job duties include: In initially joining the NCSM Board of Directors in 2018, I was unsure of what I could contribute to the organization at the forefront of supporting teachers and leaders in Mathematics education. Since that time, I have come to learn several things about myself and the organization: The policies, practices, and positions established and supported through NCSM require bold leadership that is both aware of the current landscape of Mathematics education and willing to see the vision of NCSM manifest in every level of Mathematics education. I am willing to not only acknowledge the many voices that contribute to sustaining NCSM as the premiere leadership in Mathematics Education, but to advocate for those voices often unheard. I recognize that leadership is not defined by acts of dictatorship, but by acts of servitude in supporting both the well being of the collective organization and its individual members. I look forward to ensuring that NCSM represents the communities of the leaders and learners supported through the organization. By ensuring that all leaders within the organization feel a sense of belonging through valuing personal interactions, providing continued opportunities for growth tailored to the needs of the membership, exploring new avenues for connecting and supporting members from traditionally underrepresented populations, and ensuring that the resources needed to support local levels of learning are accessible to all members. As a minority in the world of Mathematics leadership, I never thought that I would be afforded the opportunity to serve as in this capacity NCSM. Yet, when I reflect on my first interaction with the organization, I realize that it was someone who looked like me that welcomed me into NCSM. Now, six years later, I welcome the responsibility of ensuring the door to NCSM remains open for all leaders, and all are welcomed and valued. Brian Buckhalter
Current Employment & Job Duties
Previous Experience:
Current and Past Professional Activities
Candidate's Statement
How will you support the NCSM Mission and Vision during your term?
Summary of Duties (as Second VP):
- Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee.
- Serve as a member of the Program Committee.
- Serve as the Volunteer Recruitment and Management Chair for the annual meeting during the year in office.
- Recruit, schedule, and manage volunteers to assist with Annual Conference logistics and events including conference bag stuffing, early bird registration, on site registration, and ticketed events.
- Become First Vice President the second year in office.
- Assume such duties as the Board and/or President may determine.
Summary of Duties (as First VP):
- Serve as a member of the Annual Conference Committee.
- Serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee for the annual meeting during the year in office.
- Appoint the members of the Program Committee, which shall include the Past President or the President-Elect, and the Second Vice-President.
- Organize and develop the Annual Conference theme, strands, and speaker proposal forms.
- Set the conference program timeline and speaker deadlines.
- Schedule all program sessions including sponsor showcases, regional caucuses, and special interest groups.
- Serve as executive officer of the Board whenever the President, Past President or the President-Elect is unavailable.
- Assume such duties as the Board and/or President may determine.
Term of Office: One year as Second Vice President, one year as First Vice President
Martin Cardenas District Secondary Mathematics Facilitator and K-12 Academic Response to Intervention (RTI) LeadGrand Prairie ISD My experience includes roles that deepen my understanding of inclusive practices and engagement with diverse populations: Throughout my career, my mission has been to facilitate high-level learning experiences for both students and educators, guided by the principles of inclusion and diversity. As an advocate for equitable math education, I collaborate with various organizations for better opportunities. Throughout my career, my commitment has been to foster high-level learning experiences for all students, a mission that has grown as I've gained experience and insight. As a proud graduate of South Grand Prairie High School and a Hispanic male, I recognized the need for greater representation among the staff and sought to be a positive role model for our students. Hearing students express that they could succeed because they saw me succeed further fueled my dedication. Over the years, diverse opportunities have provided me with invaluable insights, allowing me to appreciate multiple perspectives crucial to supporting my mission. To extend the impact of my mission, I established a teacher leadership cadre comprising a diverse group of educators. This cadre serves as a platform for them to contribute to and carry forward my commitment to equitable learning opportunities. Recognizing the importance of students seeing themselves reflected in their teachers and curriculum, we've taken deliberate steps to ensure diversity in both. Our curriculum incorporates varied experiences and backgrounds, fostering an inclusive learning environment that resonates with all students. In my role within academic Response to Intervention (RTI), I strive to ensure that every student receives the necessary support for success. This stems from the belief that, with the right assistance, all students can achieve at high levels. In leading these initiatives, my focus remains on advancing equitable mathematics teaching and learning, always prioritizing the collective goal over personal recognition. Volunteering to serve and lead in various capacities is rooted in the sincere belief that my contributions can positively impact the mathematics community. Without ego, my involvement aims to elevate the profession, promote representation, and create an inclusive learning environment for all students. In my pursuit of professional excellence, I am dedicated to fostering equitable, high-quality mathematical experiences that empower each learner daily. Actively seeking diverse leadership, I aim to provide enriching perspectives in line with my mission of ensuring all students learn at high levels. For example as CAMT Program Chair, I prioritized diverse viewpoints, fostering an inclusive learning environment. Continual learning is vital to my philosophy, enabling me to advocate for mathematics educators' success. Passionate about leveraging technology, I integrate it across roles to enhance the implementation of equitable mathematical experiences. In summary, I am committed to promoting equity, embracing diverse perspectives, and using technology strategically to inspire success in mathematics education.Martin Cardenas
Current Employment & Job Duties
As the District Secondary Mathematics Facilitator and K-12 Academic Response to Intervention (RTI) Lead in Grand Prairie ISD, I guide mathematics strategists, lead district-wide assessment creation, and drive inclusive curriculum development. Additionally, I take the lead in establishing an instructional coaching model tailored to diverse educators, plan staff development for inclusivity, and collaborate with administrators for equitable mathematics instruction and RTI processes. My role is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and diverse educational environment.Previous Experience:
Current and Past Professional Activities
Candidate's Statement
How will you support the NCSM Mission and Vision during your term?
Region includes: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Summary of Duties:
- Reside or be employed in the region represented. If during the term of office a Director moves from the region, a new Director shall be appointed by the President.
- Represent the region at all Board meetings.
- Organize events for members of the Council at NCTM and/or meetings within the region as appropriate.
- Plan meetings for members of the Council at any NCTM conference scheduled through December of the year the Director’s term expires.
- Promote membership in the Council among those eligible.
- Encourage the support of Council activities.
- Recommend members from the region to be considered by the Nominations Committee as candidates for offices in the Council.
- Seek Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award nominees.
- Prepare written reports of regional activities to be submitted at meetings of the Board.
- Assist in planning the Annual Conference.
- If the Annual Conference is located in the region served during the term of office: coordinate all Regional Director assistance at ticketed, major, and special conference events; and provide local assistance, support, and publicity within the region.
- Write and solicit articles for official NCSM publications from Council members within the region.
- Assume such duties as the President and/or Board may determine.
Term of Office: Three years
Kris Cunningham Math Specialist I engage in opportunities through the state of Arizona and on national committees to advocate and promote change in high school mathematics teaching and learning. I have worked as a reviewer for Achieve utilizing the EQuIp framework. I have reviewed curriculum for instructional supports and provided feedback. I work on state level committees for standards revisions and state assessments. I have done alignment studies for standards to college entrance exams. I currently serve on a state team focused on pathways from high school to higher education and Algebra II revisions. I am also working on a writing team to put out guidance on changes needed for high school mathematics. I have been an NCSM member for over ten years and it all began when I was encouraged to attend an annual conference. Since then, I have been honored to serve on both the NCSM board as well as our Arizona affiliate board. NCSM has been the most valuable resource to me as a math leader. The connections I have made through the organization have helped me along the way in supporting and growing math teachers in both my district and state. I am a better educator, mentor, and advocate because of the learning and opportunities provided to me through NCSM. Serving on the Arizona Math Leaders and NCSM boards has given me the opportunity to understand how different boards function and most importantly how to reach out and build relationships with individuals from different backgrounds, with different skills and varied ideas. I view my most valuable contribution to both organizations as any leader should, my dedication to promoting and supporting new leaders. In Arizona, I reached out to and facilitated the participation of teachers and coaches not only in my own district, but within my professional network by making it clear how these organizations can help grow their own knowledge and their leadership skills as well as providing a community for them to lean into. As Regional Director I can take what I have learned from these experiences and opportunities along with my enthusiasm for improving mathematics teaching and learning to promote and connect leaders across the West. State lines do not need to hold us back from cross-pollinating our networks, ideas and advocacy to build stronger systems for our students. I would be honored to serve on the NCSM board as the Regional Director for Western Region 1. I want to continue the work of the amazing regional directors who have come before and maintain a strong network of bold math leaders in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming! As regional director, I want to make sure to keep members across the region up to date on all of the work that NCSM is doing as well as the events that NCSM provides to engage members and leaders in moving the work forward. Members need continual opportunities to network with each other and share ideas around common challenges as well as sharing successes. We can use these opportunities to learn from each other, encourage each other, and grow together as leaders. We can share with each other how we are bringing relevant resources into our school communities, and what we are doing to supporting change in our systems. We can share the ways we are serving our diverse student populations, so they all see themselves in the math we ask them to engage with. Our students come to us with strong cultural backgrounds that can be seen as an asset. Together we can promote that asset-based view. Communication with our members is critical and my priority if elected to the board.Kris Cunningham
Current Employment & Job Duties
Phoenix Union High School District
I work as the Math Specialist for Phoenix Union High School District. The district has a diverse population of students and teachers. Our district serves many multi-lingual learners with over 100 languages spoken. My job includes supporting teachers through professional learning and classroom support. I support the facilitation of curriculum and assessment. I facilitate meetings with math leaders at each campus to work toward on our vision of mathematics. I work with a team of specialists to develop and promote common district visions for teaching and learning in the district. Working in one of the largest high school districts in the state also provides me with opportunities at the state level. These opportunities allow me to advocate on behalf of the students I serve. I participate in math collaboratives with specialists from school districts outside of Phoenix where we problem solve, share ideas and solutions on how to best provide exception math experiences for all students.Previous Experience:
Current and Past Professional Activities
Candidate's Statement
How will you support the NCSM Mission and Vision during your term?
Region includes: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia
Summary of Duties:
- Reside or be employed in the region represented. If during the term of office a Director moves from the region, a new Director shall be appointed by the President.
- Represent the region at all Board meetings.
- Organize events for members of the Council at NCTM and/or meetings within the region as appropriate.
- Plan meetings for members of the Council at any NCTM conference scheduled through December of the year the Director’s term expires.
- Promote membership in the Council among those eligible.
- Encourage the support of Council activities.
- Recommend members from the region to be considered by the Nominations Committee as candidates for offices in the Council.
- Seek Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award nominees.
- Prepare written reports of regional activities to be submitted at meetings of the Board.
- Assist in planning the Annual Conference.
- If the Annual Conference is located in the region served during the term of office: coordinate all Regional Director assistance at ticketed, major, and special conference events; and provide local assistance, support, and publicity within the region.
- Write and solicit articles for official NCSM publications from Council members within the region.
- Assume such duties as the President and/or Board may determine.
Term of Office: Three years
Abi Ruiz Fourth Grade Mathematics and Science Teacher As a Fourth Grade Mathematics and Science Teacher and doctoral candidate, my role surpasses classroom teaching to include leading educational projects and improving curricula with peers. My doctoral research focuses on equitable, Culturally Relevant pedagogy, showcasing my dedication to equity and academic excellence. I actively engage with various mathematics organizations, present at conferences, and mentor at City Year, an organization aiding schools in underserved areas. This blend of teaching, research, organizational involvement, and mentorship highlights my readiness for a leadership role in education. My interest in serving as an NCSM Regional Director stems from a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of mathematics education and a commitment to equity and inclusion in the classroom. As a mathematics and science teacher, I have witnessed firsthand the disparities in learning outcomes that stem from unequal access to quality education. My identity as an educator is intertwined with a responsibility to bridge these opportunity gaps, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to excel in mathematics. My doctoral research on equitable mathematics teaching has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the systemic barriers that affect students' educational experiences. It has also prepared me to advocate for change at a higher level, crafting policies and programs that can dismantle these barriers. My work is informed by an empathy born of my journey, recognizing the unique challenges underrepresented and marginalized communities face. I aim to blend practical classroom experience and a scholarly perspective on educational equity. My vision for NCSM is one where the organization leads the charge in setting standards for culturally responsive pedagogy through collaborative efforts. I will advocate for initiatives that empower teachers to become facilitators of equitable learning environments. I believe in building a community where educators can share best practices, learn from one another, and collectively strive towards excellence in mathematics education for all students. I am eager to contribute to the NCSM to create a future where every student has access to the mathematics education they deserve—one that is inclusive, empowering, and reflective of our diverse society. I will support NCSM's vision by promoting a culture of continuous improvement and collaborative learning among mathematics educators. Leveraging my experience and doctoral research focused on equitable mathematics instruction, I plan to advocate for curricula that reflect cultural responsiveness. My goal is to ensure that effective teaching practices are shared and implemented across classrooms, guaranteeing that every student benefits from high-quality mathematics education. By contributing to the development of professional learning communities, I aim to facilitate the growth of educational leaders who are equipped to make a lasting impact on student achievement in mathematics.Abi Ruiz
Current Employment & Job Duties
As a Fourth Grade Mathematics and Science Teacher, I create and deliver engaging lesson plans that adhere to curriculum standards. My role involves fostering a supportive and stimulating classroom environment to enhance student learning and conceptual understanding in mathematics and science. I am also a doctoral candidate at the University of Central Florida. I am currently conducting research at my school site regarding equitable mathematics teaching.Previous Experience:
Current and Past Professional Activities
Candidate's Statement
How will you support the NCSM Mission and Vision during your term?
Region includes: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut Territory, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon Territory
Summary of Duties:
- Reside or be employed in the region represented. If during the term of office a Director moves from the region, a new Director shall be appointed by the President.
- Represent the region at all Board meetings.
- Organize events for members of the Council at NCTM and/or meetings within the region as appropriate.
- Plan meetings for members of the Council at any NCTM conference scheduled through December of the year the Director’s term expires.
- Promote membership in the Council among those eligible.
- Encourage the support of Council activities.
- Recommend members from the region to be considered by the Nominations Committee as candidates for offices in the Council.
- Seek Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award nominees.
- Prepare written reports of regional activities to be submitted at meetings of the Board.
- Assist in planning the Annual Conference.
- If the Annual Conference is located in the region served during the term of office: coordinate all Regional Director assistance at ticketed, major, and special conference events; and provide local assistance, support, and publicity within the region.
- Write and solicit articles for official NCSM publications from Council members within the region.
- Assume such duties as the President and/or Board may determine.
Term of Office: Three years
Kyle Pearce K-12 Mathematics Consultant at the Greater Essex County District School Board and Co-Founder of Make Math Moments Inc. In my current role as a K-12 Mathematics Consultant with the Greater Essex County District School Board, I fulfill diverse responsibilities, including consulting with decision-makers, coordinating system-wide professional learning, and serving as a mathematics coach. Beyond these district duties, my colleague Jon Orr and I co-founded Make Math Moments in 2010 with a global mission to provide mathematics educators worldwide with access to high-quality professional learning opportunities. Through our platform, which includes blogs, open-access rich tasks, a weekly podcast, and an annual virtual summit, we aim to elevate teaching practices and foster an equitable learning experience for all students. Acknowledging that our identities as white, heterosexual, cisgender males have been shaped by past experiences, particularly in middle-class families, we recognize the significance and urgency of understanding the experiences of marginalized individuals. Despite being early in our journey toward access, equity, diversity, and inclusion, we remain committed to continuous learning, implementation, and sharing, prioritizing this work in our personal and professional goals each year. As an advocate for enhancing content knowledge and pedagogical practices in K-12 Mathematics Classrooms, I am enthusiastic about extending this work in the role of NCSM Canadian Regional Director. Leveraging my experience in presenting and amplifying voices through the Make Math Moments Podcast, Virtual Summit, and our District Improvement Program, I believe I can make a substantial impact as a connector between NCSM and mathematics educators in Canada. This role offers a unique opportunity to further the collaborative efforts between NCSM and Canadian educators, contributing to the ongoing improvement of mathematics education. My vision aligns seamlessly with that of NCSM as emphasized through our key beliefs highlighted in our metaphor relating a robust mathematics program to a well-balanced tree.Kyle Pearce
Current Employment & Job Duties
Previous Experience:
Current and Past Professional Activities
Candidate's Statement
How will you support the NCSM Mission and Vision during your term?
Leadership, the trunk, signifies the vision for mathematics. The roots symbolize deep content knowledge and mathematical proficiency, crucial for nourishing the program. Just as a tree needs soil, water, and sunlight, effective math education requires a productive mindset and belief in every student's potential regardless of their cultural backgrounds, socio-economic experiences, or learner profiles.
Professional learning, portrayed by the limbs, forms the structure necessary to build and sustain momentum. The branches represent the development of pedagogical-content knowledge and equity-based teaching practices—necessary if we intend to create impactful learning experiences for all.
Finally, the leaves represent effective resources and a productive classroom environment necessary to enact this work effectively.