Personal Message
I knew that I wanted to support learning and excellence in education through my expertise in marketing and communications. From serving as director of marketing at the largest independent bookstore in Texas to communications with UT Austin student affairs, I finally found my niche at the Charles A. Dana Center. As the communications and publishing manager at the Center, I work to ensure that we fully live out our mission of all students having access to and success in a high-quality and modern math, science, and early literacy education. I am proud to serve as the NCSM Marketing Chair.
Member Story
In my role at the Charles A. Dana Center, I’ve attended conferences, learned from and supported publications, and tackled challenges in math education through a variety of K–12 and postsecondary mathematics organizations. NCSM’s focus on leadership resonates with me as someone who falls outside of the definitions of a traditional math educator. I am not a trained math instructor, but I work with math educators, administrators, and policymakers to help them design and implement research-based solutions that help all students succeed.