One benefit of being on the NCSM board is the opportunity to meet mathematics leaders from all over the world. After several encounters, I am noticing a trend. Though we are all tasked with growing the learning of the teachers and students we serve, we all do not share the same official title. Some mathematics leaders have traditional titles that include mathematics coach, department chair or Principal. Other mathematics leaders have unique titles like academic coach, consultant, regional specialist, or TOSA, among others. It has left me thinking about the fact that while our titles may differ, our vision for student learning remains the same.
We are all aiming to take bold leadership actions to meet the vision of high levels of mathematical learning for all students. We are striving to spark curiosity and inspire others as we share our joy for mathematics.
Because I am eager to hear from all mathematics leaders, I have a task for you. As we gear up for #NCSM20 in Chicago, IL, March 30-April 1, 2020, I am asking you to share your name, title of your current mathematics leadership role, and one bold leadership action via a short video. With your help, NCSM looks forward to highlighting the various titles of mathematics leaders and sharing the bold leadership actions being taken to increase student learning.

There are three ways to access the media required for your video.
- Go to if using a computer with a video camera and speaker
- Or, if using a mobile device, download the flipgrid app and enter the code
- Or, use the QR Code here and it will take you to the flipgrid with directions and links for downloading the app.
When you are ready to record
- Click the green plus button to record your video. You will have a maximum of 15 seconds, but it is not necessary to fill the entire time. You may review your video before you submit it.
- Click the arrow after recording for the selfie screen.
Helpful tips for a shareworthy video
- Don’t wear a nametag (or a shirt with a logo) – the video reverses the name.
- Try to find a quiet location as background noise is easily picked up.
- Hold your camera vertical and above your face.
- Mix in both serious and fun!
- You can also create your video with a group of leaders at your site/district/state or province
- Retakes are possible, have fun and do not be critical of yourself.
Items to include in Video Message:
- Your name
- Your title
- One bold leadership action this year
We are looking forward to seeing your videos. Please create one soon and then watch for the clips. Together, we are striving to help all students learn and I can’t wait to hear about all of your bold actions!
Thank you,
Mona Toncheff
NCSM President (2019-2021)
By submitting your video to FlipGrid, you agree that the video becomes the property of NCSM and can be used by NCSM in the future.