Board of Directors
Executive Committee
President Elect | Mona Toncheff |
First Vice President | Bill Barnes |
Second Vice President | Maria Everett |
Regional Directors
Central 1 | Jason Gauthier |
Central 2 | Sharon Rendon |
Eastern 1 | Shawn Towle |
Eastern 2 | Sue Vohrer |
Southern 1 | Bernard Frost |
Southern 2 | Paul Gray |
Western 1 | Denise Trakas |
Western 2 | Kathlan Latimer |
Canada | Cheryl Cantin |
Annual Conference
April 1-3, 2019 San Diego, CA |
Total Membership: 2,742 |
Attendance: 1,946 |
Ross Taylor / Glenn Gilbert Award Recipient: Gail Burrill
Keynote Speaker: Luiz Cruz, “Recognizing and overcoming the barriers to ensuring all students learn mathematics”
Major Session Speakers: Julia Aguirre, Laurie Boswell, Juli Dixon, Annie Fetter, Graham Fletcher, Robert Kaplinsky, Steve Leinwand, LouAnn Lovin, Beatrice Moore Luchin, Connie Schrock, Cathy Seeley, Sunil Singh, Francis Su, Michael Young
Theme and Year of Leadership
Theme: Making Waves with Effective Mathematics Leadership
The Year of Leadership:
- Presented at NCSM Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA)
- NCSM Leadership, Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics (TASM), Austin, TX
- Represented NCSM at CCSSO Math SCASS meetings, Orlando, FL
- Minneapolis, MN, Boston, MA
- SMET, STEM, STEAM, STREAM, or SCHOOL – Why? School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA), Little Rock, Arkansas
- Work at NCSM booth NCTM Regional, Kansas City, MO
- Standards Based Grading using Formative Assessment and Differentiated Homework, NCTM Regional Conference, Kansas City, MO
- 2018 Providing Equitable Mathematics Experiences for Each and Every Student, AMATYC, American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL
- Facilitated meetings of the Executive Committee
- NCSM Fall Leadership Seminar, Seattle, WA
- Great Tasks and Technology Enhance Learning, NCTM Regional Conferences, Seattle, WA
- Conference Board for Mathematical Sciences (CBMS) Board Meetings, Washington DC
- Building STEM Education on a Sound Mathematical Foundation, Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI
- Facilitated Position Paper Design Meetings
- Facilitated Onboarding for New Board Members
- Facilitated Conference Committee Meetings
- Facilitated “2020” Task Force Meeting
- AMTE Annual Meeting, STEM – What do Mathematics Educators Need to Know?, Orlando, FL
- Represent NCSM at CCSSO Math SCASS meeting, Los Angeles, CA
- Keynote speaker, Arkansas State STEM Summit, Little Rock, AR
- Presented at NCSM Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA)
- Serve on the CBMS Forum Planning Team International Conference, Leveraging Technology into Modeling STEM Tasks, Baltimore, MD
- Mathematics and Statistics Associations Summit, Michigan State, Lansing, MI
- Facilitated NCSM Board Meetings
- Presented at NCTM Annual Meeting (Washington DC April 24, 2018)
- Represented NCSM at CBMS, Conference Board for Mathematical Sciences Meeting, Board of Directors (Washington DC May 3-4, 2018)
- Presented NCSM and NCTM STEM Position Paper Webinar for CCSSO with Dr. Robert Berry, President NCTM (Online May 29, 2018)
- Held NCSM Summer Board Meeting (Minneapolis, MN June 27 – 30, 2018)
- Presented at TODOS Bi-Annual Meeting, Mathematics for all (Scottsdale AZ, June 23, 2018)
- Presented Keynote for Excellence in Education Conference at Kansas Exemplary Educators Network (KEEN) (Wichita Kansas June 17, 2018)
- Presented at CAMT, Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (Houston, July 16, 2018)
- Equity in the Classroom for Mathematics Coaches, NCSM Summer Leadership Academy (Denver, Colorado July 30 – Aug 2, 2018)
- Presented at ASA, American Statistical Association (Vancouver, Canada August 1, 2018)
- Worked at CBMS National Forum Planning Meeting (Minneapolis, MN August 17-18, 2018)
- Presented at School Science and Mathematics Association (Little Rock, Arkansas October 19, 2018)
- Coaching in Mathematics, NCTM Fall Leadership Seminar (Hartford, Connecticut October 4, 2018)
- Presented with RD Paul Gray at NCSM Leadership, Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics (TASM) (Austin, TX October 15, 2018)
- Presented at NCTM Regional Conference (Kansas City, MO November 3, 2018)
- Presented at AMATYC, American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges Annual Meeting (Orlando, FL November 15, 2018)
- Coaching in Mathematics, NCTM Fall Leadership Seminar (Seattle, WA November 28, 2018)
- Presented at NCTM Regional Conference (Seattle, WA November 29, 2018)
- Represented NCSM at CBMS, Conference Board for Mathematical Sciences Meeting, Board of Directors (Washington DC, December 6-7, 2018)
- Presented at AMTE Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Annual Conference (Orlando, FL, February 8, 2019)
- Represented at CCSSO, Council of Chief State School Officers in the Mathematics State Collaboratives on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS) (Los Angeles, CA, February 20-21, 2019)
- Presented Keynote for Arkansas State STEM Summit (Little Rock, AR, February 22, 2019)
- Presented at 2019 T 3 International Conference, (Baltimore, MD, March 9, 2019)
- Presented at Responding to the Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of Mathematics and Statistics Education Michigan State University Presidents Colloquium (Lansing, MI, March 23, 2019)
- Presented at Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics (ASSM) Annual
- Meeting (San Diego, CA March 31, 2019)
- Major speaker at NCSM 51 st Annual Meeting (San Diego, CA, April 2, 2019)
- Panelist for the Luncheon Session NCSM 51 st Annual Meeting, (San Diego, CA April 3, 2019)
- CBMS Liaison for TPSE (Transforming Post-Secondary Education in Mathematics)
- NCSM Teacher-Leaders Professional Learning Grant is funded, $10,000
- Facilitated Position Paper Design Meetings
- Facilitated Onboarding for New Board Members
- Facilitated Conference Committee Meetings
- Facilitated “2020” Task Force Meeting
Conference Focus
- Visionary Coaching Practices
Presentations in this strand will address the latest research and reports on successful coaching practices that support the mathematical learning of teachers and their students. - Empowering Equity and Social Justice Leadership
Presentations in this strand will focus on equitable practices to support building-, district-, region- and state/province-level leaders that build all students’ mathematical knowledge.
- Engaging Leadership Communities
Presentations in this strand will focus on how communities of reflective practitioners, both school-based and district- or state/province-level, leverage the power of collaboration to improve mathematics education. - Innovative Engagement
Presentations in this strand will share how to engage leaders in professional learning experiences using face-to-face, blended, and fully online models.
- Exemplary Experiences from the Field
Presentations in this strand will consider the impact of assessments grounded in evidence of student thinking, action research projects, lesson study, studio teaching, coaching acts that show results, or innovative school-level programs that make a difference in students’ mathematical learning. - Developing Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching
Presentations in this strand share recent research findings and explore the implications for assessment, curriculum planning, and task design.
Summer Leadership Academy
July 30 to August 1, 2018 Greenwood Village, CO |
Theme: Building Mathematics Leadership: Coaching |
Academy Directors: Jackie Palmquist, Marianne Srock
Presenters: Jackie Palmquist, Marianne Srock, Connie Schrock, Denise Trakas
Fall Seminars
October 4, 2018 Hartford, CT
November 28, 2018 Seattle, WA |
Theme: Building Mathematics Leaders: Coaching |
Academy Director: Jacqueline Palmquist
Presenters: Connie Schrock, Denise Trakas