Michigan Mathematics Consultants and Coordinators (M2C2)
The Michigan Mathematics Consultants and Coordinators group consists of any Intermediate School District, Mathematics and Science Center, or Local Education Agency consultants from across the state. Membership is open to anyone in these types of positions with no annual membership fee. The focus of the group is to stay up-to-date on Mathematics education in Michigan, across the nation, and around the world.
Three face-to-face meetings are scheduled during the year (October, January and April). The agendas for these meetings are built by the members’ needs and requests for information and include NCSM, Michigan Department of Education, Michigan Mathematics and Science Centers Network, and Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics updates. The structure of the meetings allows the members to benefit from professional development or collaborate as a work group to accomplish goals agreed upon as beneficial for all. The group has a list-serv allowing members to ask for help on various mathematical topics from the remaining members of our community.
Anyone interested in joining this group can contact either of the co-Presidents to be included on the email list-serv and may also request to join the group’s website at m2c2.pbworks.com